Yesterday I cupped your bottom and snuggled you onto my chest where you drifted to the sound of my heartbeat.
Today I told you I was sorry, but you have to walk - you are getting too big to carry the whole way.
Yesterday I sniffed your head and closed my eyes, certain I had never smelled anything more comforting.
Today I plop you straight in the bath when we get home. “PU!” I joke, as we plug our noses and laugh.
Yesterday you cried and my breasts leaked. I fed you. I hummed. We rocked together.
Today you whimper and as I go to hug you, you ask for Daddy.
Yesterday I glimpsed sweet, gummy smiles as I slipped you into your onesie and made silly faces from above.
Today I wait outside your bedroom, flinching at slammed dresser drawers, as you insist on dressing yourself like the “big kid” you are.
Yesterday my right foot bounced your swing as I prepped dinner one-legged.
Today I brush the sugar from the bottoms of my feet after you ask to mix the banana muffin batter all by yourself.
Yesterday I laid you on your tummy, watched you raise your little bum in the air and wondered when you would learn to crawl.
Today I hold my breath as you hoist yourself up and walk the edge of the retaining wall by our house.
Yesterday we breathed together in the moonlight, alone in our rocker, and I watched your rhythmic rise and fall against me.
Today I sit on the edge of your big girl bed, wipe the sweaty hair from your forehead, and whisper it’s time to wake up.
Yesterday you grabbed your toes, kicked your chubby legs into the air and squealed with delight at the thought of something new.
Today you yell, “Watch how fast I am!” as you speed down the sidewalk nearly out of view.
Yesterday I squished my face into your soft belly and peppered you with kisses so I could hear you giggle.
Today you plant a kiss on my soft belly, after I tell you where it all began.
Yesterday I said that I would never let you go. I told you how much I loved you.
Today I let go, many times – but you tell me that you love me too.
And tomorrow, well, we won’t worry about tomorrow. It is still so far away.